quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011
quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2011
você conhece 'the dead trees'?/do you know 'the dead trees'?
well, i didn't until today. they are from portland or boston (the resources differ, but in their facebook it's written boston), they've already opened little joy's concerts and have two albums. listen and enjoy their supercool music.
cover vs. original
e mais uma vez, quem é melhor? a versão original ou o cover?
and one more time, who is the best? the original or the cover version?
and one more time, who is the best? the original or the cover version?
um pouco melancólica, mas pop, eletrônica e dançante
a little melancholic, but pop, electronic and dancing
nostálgica, cheia de energia e expressiva
nostalgic, full of energy and expressive
terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2011
talk backwards
músicas dos beatles, músicas infantis e tantas outras famosas por serem "sobrenaturais" quando ouvidas ao contrário. eu sempre tive curiosidade de saber o que essas músicas loucas falavam mas nunca me lembrei de procurar algo pra fazer isso acontecer. até que hoje eu me deparo com isso: talkbackwards.com
beatles songs, kids' songs and other lots of famous ones for being "supernatural" when listened backwards. i've always had the curiosity of knowing what these crazy songs say but i've never remembered to look for something to make that happen. and then today i come across this: talkbackwards.com
illustration by takahiro kimura
além de fazer colagens maravilhosas, ele também cria vídeos, como esse que ele tornou a alice em algo ainda mais louco:
besides making wonderful collages, he also creates videos, like this one in which he tunerd alice in something even crazier:
segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2011
photography by jake stangel
yeah, i'm kinda lazy lately again and yeah, this is caused by me being totally addicted to watch tv.
via booooooom.com
sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2011
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