this friday is being so fucking unique! i had a feeling something cool would happen and then the doorbell rings and imagine what? the stuff by MAKKINOSO i bought is finally here!!! i'm so happy, his work is so cool and he is such a kind salesman! seriously, buy something on his site and be happy. thank you, patrick aleotti.
sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011
friday with makkinoso!
essa sexta tá sendo muito muito maravilhosamente única! eu tava sentindo que algo legal aconteceria, aí toca a campainha e o que era? as coisas que eu comprei do MAKKINOSO finalmente chegaram!!! tô muito feliz, o trabalho dele é muito legal e ele é um vendedor muito gentil (palavra estranha)! sério, compre alguma coisa no site dele e seja feliz. obrigado, patrick aleotti.
this friday is being so fucking unique! i had a feeling something cool would happen and then the doorbell rings and imagine what? the stuff by MAKKINOSO i bought is finally here!!! i'm so happy, his work is so cool and he is such a kind salesman! seriously, buy something on his site and be happy. thank you, patrick aleotti.
this friday is being so fucking unique! i had a feeling something cool would happen and then the doorbell rings and imagine what? the stuff by MAKKINOSO i bought is finally here!!! i'm so happy, his work is so cool and he is such a kind salesman! seriously, buy something on his site and be happy. thank you, patrick aleotti.
sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2011

garotas são divinas e garotas cantando extasiadamente em uma mistura maluca é melhor ainda. o duo the hood internet, famoso pelos mixes que faz, misturou arcade fire com blondie em uma mixtape. veja aí o que saiu. sério, muito bom.
girls are divine and girls singing ecstatically in a crazy mix is even better. the duo the hood internet, famous for the mixes they make, mixed arcade fire with blondie in a mixtape. just take a look (or listen to?) how it sounds. seriously, so good.
terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011
domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011
faz tempo que eu não posto nenhum site em flash/pra brincar, então hoje vem um pra brincar com as palavras. se você deixar o mouse parado elas ficam ordenadas, mas se você mexer o mouse, uma catástrofe pode acontecer...
there's a long time since i last posted a flash/playing site, so today comes one to play with the words. if you leave the mouse point with no movements they stay in order, but if you move the mouse point, a catastrophe may happen...
there's a long time since i last posted a flash/playing site, so today comes one to play with the words. if you leave the mouse point with no movements they stay in order, but if you move the mouse point, a catastrophe may happen...
sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011
kings of convenience
35 milhões de plays no e eu nunca tinha ouvido uma única música deles. erlend e eirik são da noruega, fazem músicas com vocais macios e que parecem estar acariciando os ouvidos. a música deles passa uma sensação de tranquilidade, natureza, árvores, céu, sei lá. muito bom.
35 million plays on and i've never heard any song by them until now. erlend and eirik are from norway, they make songs with soft vocals that seem to be caressing the ears. their music give us feelings of tranquility, nature, trees, sky, don't know. so good.
35 million plays on and i've never heard any song by them until now. erlend and eirik are from norway, they make songs with soft vocals that seem to be caressing the ears. their music give us feelings of tranquility, nature, trees, sky, don't know. so good.
quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011
witty comic
que tal ter sua própria tirinha? mesmo que você não seja um artista super talentoso você pode! é, tipo essa aqui em cima. é só entrar lá e gastar tempo brincando.
what about having your own comic? even if your are not a super talented artist you can! yeah, like this one above. you just have to go to this site and waste your time playing.
oregon bike trails
o que uma banda que tem o nome de uma música - e de um LP - que é o trecho de uma música do air (playground love) é? muito legal. tá, legal. ou muito boa de ouvir, com uma vibe super veranista alegre (eu achei, mas não confie em mim porque eu não sirvo como crítico musical).
what a band that has a song - and a LP - named after the lyrics of a song by air is? supercool. ok, cool. or so good to listen to, with a super sunny happy vibe (i think so, but don't trust me because i'm not good as a music reviewer).
Oregon Bike Trails - High School Lover by fatherdaughter
what a band that has a song - and a LP - named after the lyrics of a song by air is? supercool. ok, cool. or so good to listen to, with a super sunny happy vibe (i think so, but don't trust me because i'm not good as a music reviewer).
Oregon Bike Trails - High School Lover by fatherdaughter
quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2011
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